Feature Release

Here at the University of Arkansas, we are dedicated to providing you with the latest enhancements and improvements to the Workday platform. We understand the importance of staying current with technology, which is why we ensure that you receive regular updates to enhance your user experience.

Major Releases by Workday: Workday, the company behind the platform, delivers major releases twice a year, in the months of March and September. These major releases are packed with new features, functionalities, and enhancements that are designed to streamline your processes and provide you with the most up-to-date tools for success.

University of Arkansas System Workday Support Services: In addition to the releases provided by Workday, our dedicated team at the University of Arkansas System called Workday Support Services implements major releases twice a year, specifically in the months of June and January. These releases are carefully managed and tested to ensure a seamless integration into our system, tailored to our specific requirements.

Monthly Releases: We believe in continuous improvement, which is why Workday Support Services schedules Monthly Releases to keep your experience fresh and efficient. These releases are scheduled for the third Saturday of each month. While they may not include the extensive changes of major releases, they focus on addressing minor issues, optimizing performance, and delivering incremental updates to enhance your daily interactions with the Workday platform.

User Involvement and Collaboration: At the University of Arkansas, we value the input and needs of our users, central teams, and leadership. To ensure that your voice is heard and your requirements are met, we've established a collaborative approach. User Solutions, a dedicated team, acts as a bridge between you and Workday Support Services. User Solutions submits changes or enhancements based on your requests and feedback.

Enhancing the University Experience: We firmly believe that these updates are not just about technology but are tools that support the overall mission of the University of Arkansas. By staying current with Workday's advancements, we aim to enhance our ability to serve you better, streamline processes, and provide an optimal user experience. Our continuous efforts align with our commitment to excellence in education and administration.

We invite you to explore this page regularly for updates on the latest Workday releases, their implementation schedules, and the impact they bring to our university community. Thank you for being a valuable part of our journey towards an improved and efficient Workday experience at the University of Arkansas System.

New Features and Enhancements in Workday 2023 Release 2 (2023R2)

Workday’s fall release will come out the weekend of September 9-10, 2023. Though, like most Workday releases, many updates for Workday 2023R2 center around back-end improvements (which end users won’t notice), a few larger-scale changes came with this round of planned updates, including:

Real-Time Guidance with Error Messages 

If you accidentally enter incorrect information in a required field, an error message will now appear immediately, alerting you to the issue you need to fix; currently when you provide incorrect information or don’t complete a required field, an error message won’t appear until after you try to submit the form. 

Streamlined Task Management 

Experience the convenience of automated task refresh. As you complete tasks, they'll disappear from your view, while new assignments will seamlessly appear. This automated management of tasks ensures your to-do list is always current, making Workday task management a breeze. 

Advanced Search and Filtering for Efficiency 

Search and filtering within Workday are becoming more powerful. This update provides advanced parameters for searching and locating tasks, resulting in quicker access to the information you need. Spend less time searching and more time accomplishing your tasks. 

Though Workday announces various planned updates prior to each feature release, we will not have confirmation about any given feature update listed above until AFTER the Workday release the weekend of September 9-10. For full details about the upcoming release, please visit our Release Support page in Sharepoint. 

Workday Unavailable During Release Update

Just like any major software upgrade, there is necessary downtime while the changes are implemented. Workday will be unavailable for use the weekend of the release from 11:00 pm on September 8 through 5:00 pm on September 10.  Users should make plans to anticipate this downtime.